Given the shadow of infidelity and the lessrespectable route of ingress, I'd wish to be especially ladylike in allother particulars. There's the additional virtue that overflowing loadsdon't dribble between my pleasingly plump vulvic mounds; risking foreigndeposits racing through the tunnel where only my husband's sperm oughtbe!Doubtless the many Sissies with whom I'm acquainted would have a quasi-scientific interest in examining my fabulous luxury vagina. They'dprobably want to finger it, out of curiosity. Perhaps I'd permit them anappreciative lick or two. No harm in that, since they aren't men. Afteran enchanting afternoon tryst of tea, creme patisseries, and light tomoderate cunnilingus, I'd oh-so politely excuse myself by trilling"Lovely to see you again *ch?ries*, but I *simply must* dash home, todirect the cooks in preparing a spectacular dinner for my new husband,before he rudely rams his massive phallus in my snug new vagina!"Since all but one of these proposals came. I dragged her to her chair and forced her onto it."Stay there and I'll fetch you your cuppa," I said firmly as I could feel myself starting to lose it as the day's events just seemed to keep on getting worse.Gran just burst into tears and I left ashamed to get her tea only to find her following me."Sit down!" I ordered pointing to the chair."Speak to me like that again young man and I will call a constable!" She spoke primly.I just exploded, I grabbed her by the arm as all the frustrations of the night just spilled over and I literally flung her onto her bed, her legs and arms flailing all over the place and to my shame I grabbed her by the throat."Listen to me you old bag, just lie here and do nothing or I swear I'll beat the shit out of you! I yelled right in her face."Alright, alright please don't hurt me!" She sobbed as I removed my hand and felt my face turn beetroot red with self-disgust, shock and deep embarrassment."I ... I'm so sorry." I said."I'm sorry I refused you Dan ....
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